Aminet 1 (Walnut Creek)
Aminet - June 1993 [Walnut Creek].iso
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Text File
382 lines
Version 1.60 (Large) Copenhagen 24/10-91
You can spread this game as much as you wish, as long as this file,
together with 'Versions', is to be found near the executable program
omega in a readable form. This is only a must since these files contains
information needed to run Omega.
The game is not ShareWare but ordinary Public Domain, i.e. I'm not
charging anything for anyone using it. But if you care to support a poor
student (that's me), you are welcome to send a small donation, but only
if you think the game is worth it :) This will go to support my wonderful
Amiga, so I can continue making even better programs.
So what is Omega? Is it a greek opera quiz, the final frontier or a
frogtoaster? No! It's life...Hmmm...life?
Omega is a dungeon/adventure simulation game, that sets you in the
role as the hero. It is very similar to the former games Moria, Nethack,
Rogue, Larn etc, just a tad more complicated...The gamesystem creates a
whole world around the player. There are several cities and dungeons, a
parthenon representing the two alignment sides Law and Chaos with The
Druids in between, lot's of guilds that all can be joined (though some
exclude others) plus different shops and service-centres in the cities.
The graphics is Ultima-like, but in HIRES...! If you are confused
about the designation of one of the images, use the 'x' command. Besides
the 'W' command brings up an additional output window, which gives a
tandem perspective.
Refer to the inside-game help for more a specific introduction to the
gamesystem, and the file 'Versions' for a history of the coding.
Object of the game.
The main goal is to get on the hi-score list. There is several
entrances on it. One for each guilds, one for each religion, one for
each end of the alignment scala, and finally the hiscorer.
You can also choose just to play for completing all the quests, that
either your guild leader(s) sets for you, and/or follow what the oracle
advises you to do. But remember it's not a need to be a member of any
guild, it's just very very convenient!
Special about this version.
This version is made for Large systems. Meaning it is meant for
Amiga's with *MORE* than 1M and a *LOT* of available chip ram. It is not
completely true, you *CAN* play it on a smaller machine (minimum 1M), but
only without any external drive(s) connected, and that's very annoying, I
tested it on my A500. This is due to the increased amount of pictures,
plus the new menues. I would dare to say, that it is virtually
impossible to keep this game under the magic border, if one has to come
out with reasonable good-looking changes. But if you have any ideas
please E-mail suggestions, that is possible to code without too much
hokus-pokus, to me. Jon Ballard advised me to split the game up in
several executables, but no large parts are significant different (not
even country-side <-> dungeon), every part is used criss-cross. I myself
have plans to make the graphics optional, but that would severely cripple
the joy after my opinion (What did we do before the invention of the
Caution to take.
If you delete lines in the omega.log please change the number in the
top too, which tells the program how many NPC there are in all. It is
important that the line is 10 characters long including spaces. Please
do not change anything in the other files, unless you know what you are
doing, since it could confuse the program, and make it work unproperly.
If you are saving levels to ram: there will be *NO* check to see if
the machine is running out of memory, so please use the manual 'X'
command to check for yourself if it's safe to change level. Save ('S'
command) then reload ('!' command) to make the program delete the level
As usual I do not take any responsibility on the use of the game. It
was not created to wreck havoc but to spread pleasure. But should there
accidentally happen something, that the game obviously causes, which is
very unlikely, I do not carry any fault. The game, as far as I know, had
no virus attached to it, when it left my hand.
Changes from the original Omega.
This game is originally written by Laurance R. Brothers, and ran
under the UNIX system V. He remain all copyrights and is in fact the
I've taken the liberty to rewrite most of the source-code to port it
to the Amiga. I have also made 'severe' changes to clear it from bugs
and to reduce both size and speed it up. Nothing (except one function
that showed 3*17*64 chars forming a shifting omega sign) in the original
game system have been removed, only rewritten. I have not implemented
the curse.h system, though, I found that to be quite slow and inadequate,
when we got the console.device on the Amiga, so I used that instead,
making the output faster, but a bit shaky at times.
Apart from the debugging I have added some extra stuff:
o Three new types of items.
o More special effects on handling objects.
o Some new monsters.
o Nastier dragons.
o A configuration file-reader.
o An easy to use file-selection, with 'delete' function.
o A manual memory-check function.
o All levels are saved to disk, not in memory (ram: is kept as an option)
o Menus.
o No automatic quit after a save.
o No deletion of savefile at gamestart.
o Higher prizes (due to inflation).
o Higher required exp values to raise in guilds.
o You can drink, eat and read things from the ground.
o 'Stethoscope' plus 'Creation' and 'Magnify' option for wizards.
o Possibility for showing pictures.
o Some monster's immunity to spells now works. (He He)
o Neat graphics.
o More userfriendly display.
o Closure of some popular loop-holes. (Need to close more in the future)
o A small overview board which echo all actions as small pixels. ('W'-key)
o Athmospheric fonts.
o More roboust read and write routines to disk.
o Inside load & newgame function. Press 'cancel' to restart completely.
o Graphical inventory, shop, stats and option menu.
o The moon's phase is shown as a picture.
o More that I've forgotten...Or won't reveal.
Using The configuration file.
Omega uses four paths to access files. In the configuration file they
are called
#OMEGALIB is the only directory private for the game, it would spoil
your fun to look in the files...Btw the file should always be named
omega.cnf and be present in the directory from where you start the game.
Besides from setting the paths, you can also set a default name, and
enable cheatmode by entering the same string.
#NAME = Mjoelner
#WIZARD = Mjoelner
Furthermore it is possible to set two options controling pictures and
ramsaves. If you negate the picture option (which is neccessary if you
only own 1meg) no pictures will be shown. The ramdisk option simply
disables the "left on disk" check before each levelchange, letting you
use ram: as medium.
#OPTIONS = !ramdisk, !pictures (very small system)
#OPTIONS = ramdisk, pictures (larger system)
To make the program stop in a couple of sekunds instead of ***MORE***
wait, you can set the #DELAY option to a positive integer value.
#DELAY = 2
freezes the game for 2 sekunds everytime an important message is shown
and when the text-area is cleared. Default is 0 which states, that you
wish morewait. It is only possible to change the wait-time in the
configuration file, if you want to disable or reset it you must quit and
restart the game once more. (Hold down the right mouse button to freeze
the game and thereby the text-output if it goes too fast, f.ex in
connection with the printing of spells.).
A semicolon placed on the first position on a line yields a comment.
An important notice is, that the longest filepath the game can read is
80 chr. the game will crash, if it's longer...Besides white-spaces will
be skipped. So to get a character with both for- and surname use the 'R'
What is needed to run the game.
The first thing you must do is to check the uncompressed files you get
when using 'lharc l <filename>' or 'zoo l <filename>' depending on the
way the package is distribuated, to see if they all are complete. The
list in 'This_Directory' should help you with that task.
Second Before running the game the first time, you must copy the
library-file iff.library to your libs: directory, otherwise you won't
see the pictures. Next make sure, that the configuration file is set up
to fit your system.
Each time you run Omega you should set the stack to at least 25000 in
the shell environment from where you wish to run Omega, i.e. if you
intend to start it from the workbench, it must also have a stack-size of
The game is very large...so you must be in possession of a 1meg Amiga
or larger, plus a mouse plugged in and hopefully a colour monitor. It
might not run for a very long period with only 1M, anyway remove anything
that you suspect will eat memory, like extra diskstations, shell, WB, use
60 chr WBscreen, run 'wbdepth 1' etc...I'm not sure of whether the
program runs in a 2.0 environment or not, some rumours says no, others
yes, so use 1.3 if possible. A500 users with only 500 KB Chip-ram should
be very careful since Omega needs a lot of this precious area and run
FastMemFirst, that should be situated on your workbench disk in the
System directory.
If you are worried about the seemingly memoryleak (people like me
always are), try applying the 'flushlibs' menu from the workbench, using
'LoadWB -debug' before and after without moving any windows around. The
following runs after the first allways gives the same result, so I'm
quite convinced there is no holes in the bucket.
There should not be any problems using the program in a multitasking
environment. I myself normally have 'bout 5 background tasks running,
and I've not had any trouble. Though you obviously cannot make use of
any quick-typer tools, since I check the VANILLAKEY's from the IDCMP...
(Only for versions under 1.53 or thereabout)
If you only got 1M, your life will be tough...You won't be able to
load the pictures. You should also switch off your second drive to save
any memory, plus use fastmemfirst. Omega is a large and greedy program,
so remember to check the memory amount often.
A final note on installation, that I've been asked to enlighten. The
game copies certain files into ram: to speed up the loading sequence.
Therefore the Ram-Handler must be present in L: and ram.device in Devs:
on your system. So to make a special Omegadisk: (Only commands
neccessary to run the program are mentioned)
- Format a disk.
- Install it.
- Make the usual directories c,s,l,devs,libs,fonts
- Copy stack, run, fastmemfirst and other useful commands like ls to c
- Extract iff.library to libs. The diskfont.library should also be present
in this directory. Maybe also icon, arp and info.library if you want
to make it a workbench-disk.
- Make a startup-sequence and put it in s (stack 25000 could be put here).
Also Fastmemfirst is good if not neccessary.
- Copy ram-handler to l
- Copy ram.device to devs
- Copy omegaf8.font and the omegaf8 directory to fonts
- Extract the executive, Readme.doc, Versions and omega.cnf to the root of
this boot-disk.
- Next format 3 (yes three) other disks.
- Extract everything from the OmegaLib directory to one of the disks.
- Extract the pictures to this disk too since there should be room here.
- The two other disks are for levels and saves.
- Now change the path-names in omega.cnf to the names of your disks.
- Reset the computer and check if the game starts correctly, if not check
everything once more.
- 1M users should now run preference on the workbench disk, to change the
workbench-screen size to lo-res (60 coloumns), this should give a little
extra memory. Perhaps also run the small program 'wbdepth' included in
this package with option '1' which gives the WBscreen only 1 bitplane.
(I don't know who made this smart little program, and if it's freely
distribuable, just that it's very useful)
- Phew...
Of course this only goes for a pure floppydisk system, if you got more
free mem than 1meg, you might want to save levels to ram:
- Copy the archive to where you want the omega directory.
- Extract it with lharc -x -r e, or zoo e/// this should restore the
directory tree.
- cd Omega
- Copy omegaf8.font and the omegaf8 directory to fonts:
- Copy from libs/iff.library to libs:
- Change the pathnames in omega.cnf to fit your system.
- See the comments written above in FDU, if you only got 1M
- stack 25000
- run omega
The installation for RAD: users should be simular as for floppy-disk users.
There seem to be a strange need for A1000 owners to have a stack size
of at least 150000. Don't ask me, why it has to be soooo large?!?! For
all the rest of us mortals, 15000-25000 should be enough, and remember to
check that chip-ram often!
More to come.
- A better text output routine in cooperation with an expandable window,
that was suggested by Jon Ballard from Sacramento.
- A fast 'scroll one square' routine for displaying the map, where the
player all the time is centered in the middle.
- Each special site should have it's own picture like the shop.
- Compression of save-files on disk. There doesn't seem to be any
programs on the marked that takes input and/or gives output to an other
program (or does there?) Please let me know if you heard of one in Public
- A better inventory interface. Perhaps in connection with the icons like
in 'Dungeon Master' and 'Eye of the Beholder'. So far I don't use Bobs.
- A neater way of expressing stats for instance with colour bars, the
display should anyhow be totally rearranged, and most stat put to a
separate screen.
- Completely bugfree routines...
I'm willing to distribuate the source code on two disks for a small
fee of 60.00 Dkr. in Europe (10$, disks and mailing them are expensive
in Denmark) or 15$ if you live abroad somewhere. You can also contact me
via E-mail to aggaton@freja.diku.dk, if that is possible.
Besides, I'm open to any suggestions, idea's and possible bug fixes.
I've already received a lot, both criticism and roses, and am very happy
for every response I got so far :) It is always good to know, that
somebody, somewhere out there is using the programs you write.
- First seek out all the special sites in Rampart the City, by walking
inside every door. Open it if it's closed, don't try to open locked doors
- Next join one or several guilds of your like, be careful to choose
something that fits the alignment you heed for...
- Now you should equip yourself in the shops. Don't buy too expensive things
- You probably wondered why there is a large empty area in the lower left
side of the city...Thats the botanial gardens, it's perhaps time to take
a closer look at it...Don't walk into the hedges yet...
- Did you find the oracle? She can tell you what should be your next move...
- Travel along the north going highway to the nearest village perhaps there
is something you could use...
- The Arch Druid resides in a temple far to the north.
- In case of doubt press the '?' key for online help.
That should be enough to get you started. Remember to save often, and
good hunt.
- Yours sincerely
Klavs Torben Pedersen
Grønjordskollegiet v.3404
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
tlf 31- 58 34 69
P.S. If you are in the lucky situation that you are able to draw
pictures or compose music/make sounds (which I must admit I'm out off),
and you wish to donate them for the benefit of the game, they are VERY
welcome (IFF-format)!!! Nice 32x16 colour images, for displaying characters
are likewise adopted immediately.
Pictures displaying special site's like the shop, order of Paladins etc.
are needed too.
(I slap myself for never learning to paint or compose.)